Accessible Digits - Committed to an inclusive web, one step at a time Mon, 08 Mar 2021 02:30:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 Do Accessibility Last – Here’s why Thu, 03 Dec 2020 16:26:19 +0000 Where in the development process should you consider accessibility?

The web is replete with sites that will tell you to incorporate accessibility in the design process, shift left, or whatever they happen to call it. I wish to offer that all of these account are missing one critical factor.

Quite simply, the later you bring accessibility into the process, the greater the revenue for Accessible Digits. If you brought us in at the design phase, you would probably be looking at an hour or two a week checking and commenting on the latest iterations of your designs. Then a quick check at the end on a site that is pretty accessible to begin with.

Much better to wait until the website is finished. Then we will making top dollar on the assessment. The worse offending sites, which yours probably is by this time, will require major redesign which your own team must necessarily be involved with. Thus we get all the revenue we would have gotten from the first scenario, plus top dollar from the premium assessment.

The best case scenario, however, is to wait until after the website is published and you get a demand letter. Now it is a rush job. We may have to sub part of it out, thus making hundreds or thousands of dollars from commission alone, in addition to the earned income from the first two scenarios.

If you believe, as we do, that the overriding concern is to maximize Accessible Digits revenue, then you should be pushing your accessibility program out as late as possible. We’ll wait.
